Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rev Martinho Lazaro Paulo, the Principal of the Seminary


Seminário Teológico Evangélico de Moçambique (STEM) – Rua Mario Coluna no. 4816, Bairro 3 de Fevereiro – PO Box no. 2326 – Telefax + 258 2144 2909 – E-mail: – NUIT no. 900083467

Maputo – Moçambique

Equipping dedicated church leaders, (II Tim 2:2) for a holistic and contextual gospel

(Equipando lideres dedicados, II Tim 2:2 para o evangelho integral e contextual)



The Theological Seminary in Mozambique (STEM) was established since 1980s and it is now in the process to get registered and accredited with the Department of education as a private Christian educational institution. It exists to honour and glorify God through equipping called and committed men and women into Christian ministry. STEM is under Igreja União Baptista de Moçambique (Union Baptist Church of Mozambique) denomination. However, after two years of its existence STEM became an interdenominational institution because many churches agreed to send their members for pastoral training. For this reason, the Board of the seminary is not restricted to only IUBM members. The teachers are also recruited from various denominations in Mozambique, e.g. Baptists, American Board in Mozambique, Nazarene, etc. These churches are all members of Christian Council of churches in Mozambique and Bible Society, so we work in partnership. Academically, we are in good relationships with some Bible colleges existing around the country.

STEM Contact Details

All enquiries may be directed to:

STEM, Mozambique, Maputo

Rua Mario Coluna No. 4816, 3 de Fevereiro

PO Box 2326

Telefax: +258 2144 2090


Office hours: Monday - Friday, 8.00 am - 16.00 pm

Library hours: Monday & Friday, 8:00 am – 21:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday, 10:00 am – 18:00pm


Academically, theologically and spiritually the church in Mozambique is weak due to the length and kind of colonialism system the country had. It is instructive to know that Mozambique was under direct oppressive colonial rule for about 500 years. Before and after the independence the only church officially recognised in the country was Roman Catholic Church because it was the State Church. As a result of this, the emerging Churches became nominal with many biblically illiterate Christians leading to syncretism. The situation became worse after the independence due to introduction of communism that resulted in civil war which ravaged the country for about 17 years. It was in the mid 80’s that the government officially gave freedom of worship to other Christian denominations and various religious groups represented in the country. Thus, in year 1987 the Seminary was established by the Union Baptist Church of Mozambique in conjunction with its partners Interact Mission and African Evangelical Fellowship (AEF) which is now known as Society International Ministry (SIM). The goal then was to prepare pastors for local churches.

Over the years the Seminary has established itself as one of the premier ministry training institutions in the country. The focus has broadened significantly to include the training of pastors, youth pastors, lay preachers and local missionaries. The strategic role of this Seminary with respect to our denomination in particular and in Mozambique at large includes:

• To respond pastoral deficit in Mozambique

• To train and equip dedicated and called men and women to respond to the Great Commission mandate including social concern and

• Raise men and women that will influence the world with Godly principles and values.

Our vision & mission statement

The vision and mission of STEM is to offer people called to Christian ministry, a biblically based and relevant theological education which focus on devotional integrity, practical competence and academic excellence. This theological education is shaped by our commitment to the inspired Word of God and our belief that the Church can, and should, be relevant in contemporary society.

Our Board

The Seminary Board which is the governing body is responsible for conceptual leadership, overall policy, theological fidelity and financial control of the Seminary’s approved programmes. It is made up of faithful, experienced and dedicated Christians of proven character that subscribe to the Constitution and Statement of Faith of the Seminary, and sympathetic with its goals. Appointments are made giving due regard to gender, race and age balance. Any amendments made to the Constitution are affected by a 75% vote of the Council membership present, after due notice is served. It meets twice a year.

Our Programme

Due to prolong colonial rule and eventual communism and civil war that devastated the country, many people became pessimistic about theological education. The resultant effect of this was lack of qualified theologically trained personnel that could develop theological studies within the country. Thus, up to date the STEM is unable to offer more than one year Certificate and three years Diploma in Ministry and Theology. However, God is increasing the number of highly trained theological personnel, and we are hopeful that in short period of time the STEM will begin to offer a degree in ministry and theology.

Courses offered at STEM 2010 - 2011


BBS 115 - Understanding the Bible

One of the fundamental assumptions of this course is that each one of us can learn to study the Bible far more effectively, both for our own enjoyment and growth and as a step in the process of preparing to teach others.

BBS 125 - Bible Overview

This course will serve as an introduction to the Bible with a particular emphasis on the historical background, introduction to, and contents of, the books of Scripture.

BBS 215 - The Synoptic Gospels and Acts

This module seeks to introduction to and theology of the Synoptic Gospels and Acts. Furthermore, the focus goes to history of the apostolic era and history of interpretation.

BBS 225 - Pentateuch

This course covers the introduction to the interpretation of the Bible, and especially exegesis, introduction to the study of the Pentateuch, the theme of the Pentateuch, the history of Israel to the time of the judges.

BBS 315 - Pauline Writings

This course introduces to the Romans, Corinthians and Galatians. It deals also with central issues in Pauline theology and political and social issues of the 1st century. Exegesis of 5-8 chapters from letters studied.

BBS 325 - The Prophets

Basically this course focuses on history of the Canon and Text of the Old Testament, history of Israel in the period of the monarchy, introduction to the Prophets and study of the books of the Prophets.

BBS 415 - The Johannine and General Writings

This course deals with some aspects such as: Introduction to John, Revelation and the General Epistles. It includes the central themes in Johannine theology, the Hellenistic period, religions and cultures and contemporary hermeneutics, focusing on the New Testament.

BBS 425 - The Writings

This course seeks to introduce the study of the books of the Writings, method in Old Testament theology, and worship in Israel.


BGK 215 - Greek 1

In this course student will be introduced to the Greek alphabet, and some of the Bible study tools which are available for those who know no Greek. You will also learn some technical names for describing these tools as well as the culture of the first century.

BGK 225 - Greek 2

This course covers grammar, which is introduction to the morphology, syntax and semantics of Hellenistic Greek, with reference to Classical Greek.

BGK 315 - Greek 3

This course moves onto the level of translation and exegesis of the New Testament itself focusing on grammatical and exegetical study.

BHB 325 - Hebrew 1

This course covers the Hebrew alphabet and vowels, basic grammar, morphology and syntax, and the translation of sentences containing verbs with strong guttural letters.

BBL 415 - Hebrew 2

This course covers the weak verbs and derived stems, and translation of sentences and simple Biblical Passages.

BBL 425 - Hebrew 3

This course covers advanced grammar and translation and analysis of Biblical texts.


Christian History is the memory of the church, and we can’t hope to understand the contemporary situation of the church, its beliefs and its practices, unless we cultivate a Christian memory which tells us where we have come from and how we got to be the way we are. Of course, Christian History will not solve all of our problems, but hardly any discipline will give us a better understanding of those problems. In this regard, the Christian tradition is a very rich one indeed, and the aim of the Christian History curriculum is to facilitate a first-hand encounter between students and the great Christians of the past, by means of their own writings wherever possible.

The Christian History Curriculum

The two courses offered by the College in Christian History are designed to provide an overview of the sweep of Christian History, and to introduce students to their Christian forebears by means of their own writings wherever possible. Special attention will be given to the mission activities of the church and to the development of the church in Africa. The overall structure of the Christian History curriculum is as follows:

BCH 215 - Earlier Christian History - Apostolic Age to Pre-Reformation

This course covers the overview of Christian History from the end of the apostolic age until the late middle ages. Themes include the expansion of the church in the early centuries, theological developments, the relationship between church and state, the development of devotional movements, and efforts made to reform the church in the late medieval period.

BCH 225 - Later Christian History - Reformation to Modern Era

The Reformation - this great transitional movement between the medieval and modern periods is studied in detail, with attention being given to Luther, Zwingli, the radical Reformation, the Reformation in England and Scotland, and the Catholic or Counter-Reformation. The course then introduces the student to the development of Christianity until the modern era. Students will be introduced to Pietism, Puritanism, Arminianism, the evangelical revivals and the Great Awakening, and the impact of modern science and philosophy on the development of Christian thought.


Our aim is to play a role in encouraging churches to be involved in the task of reaching the world for Jesus Christ. This we aim to accomplish through the influence we have on the learners who study through the STEM. We also want to contribute by exploring how mission is to be done in, and from, our unique situation here in Mozambique, Africa and beyond. We are committed to the belief that the whole church in Mozambique needs to be taking up the challenge of being salt and light within our country and to the ends of the earth.

The mission studies at the STEM are closely integrated into the whole training programme offered by the STEM. We aim to instil in every learner who studies through the College, a vision of the role of the church in mission. We then seek to equip learners to be able to introduce and develop meaningful mission involvement in the context of their future ministries.

For those who are preparing for, or engaged in, long-term cross-cultural mission service, we provide training that is academic, relevant, spiritual, and practical. Learning activities range from lectures, personal study, practical mission trips, visits by active missionaries, and interviews with mission leaders, and regular prayer for God's work around the world.

A strong emphasis is laid on the cross-cultural nature of mission. Significant time is spent exploring the nature of culture, our own personal cultural biases, and preparing the learner to enter, and effectively minister within, a culture other than their own. Another feature of the mission training is the deliberate exploration of principles rather than specific methods, so as to produce missionaries who are able to adapt to the many varieties of situations which may be encountered on the mission field. All this is with the ultimate goal that God would get the glory due His name.

BMS 115 - World Mission

A course that aims to motivate learners by looking at what mission is, why mission is a vital part of Christianity, and an examination of the contemporary situation.

BMS 125 - Mission Sending

An overview of the local church, mission organisations and missionaries, their respective roles and responsibilities in world mission.

BMS 215 - Christian Evangelism

This course will equip students to win others by exploring principles for evangelism. A key focus will be reaching people at different commitment levels, including unchurched, seekers and churched people.

BMS 225 - Multi-Cultural Skills

The learner is introduced to the nature of culture, the challenges of living and ministering in a multi-cultural society and how to survive and thrive in a culture other than your own.

BMS 315 - World Religions

Indeed, it should be accurate to understand that we live on a planet with a vast variety of people, cultures, religions and environments. The Gospel is for all, and this course seeks to give the learner an overview of the harvest fields that Jesus called "plentiful".

BMS 325 - Methods, Strategies, and Issues

Seeking to answer the question of the "how" of mission, the course takes an in-depth look at strategic planning, its place in ministry, and the practicalities of implementation. There is also an analysis of trends and issues facing contemporary mission.

BMS 415 - Mission Skills

The learner will be guided in researching aspects of Missiology, ministry and missionary life that are relevant to their proposed field of future ministry.


The Youth courses at STEM have been designed in response to the current trend towards highly specialised ministry to children, teenagers and young adults. The studies are intended to produce suitably qualified youth pastors and youth workers who are equipped to reach youth with the Gospel and provide them with the opportunity and means to grow in Jesus Christ. Follow the hypertext headings to the eight semester courses in youth ministry that relate to the eight roles a youth pastor fulfils:

BYS 115 - Youth Ministry

This course will equip students with an understanding of contemporary society, youth culture, personality development, ministry principles, programming guidelines and approaches to organisational structure.

BYS 125 - Christian Leadership

This course will equip students with skills for personal spiritual growth and for effective leadership in youth ministry.

BYS 225 - Youth in Crisis

Young people are in crisis, and probably always have been. This course in Youth Studies will examine the life realities experienced by a cross-section of young people, from dying to enslave to okay youth. Based on a pen-sketch consideration of a cross-section of young people, attention will be given to principles and practice of ministry to youth in crisis

BYS 315 - Building Youth

This course will equip students with a theoretical understanding of spiritual growth in youth and a practical understanding of facilitating spiritual growth in youth.

BYS 325 - Equipping Youth

This course will equip students with skills to approach the vital area of equipping youth as part of the discipleship process and with strategies to equip youth to evangelise and minister among their peers.

BYS 415 - Youth Ministry in Age Group Context

While the term youth ministry is generally used to refer to ministry to young people, most people involved in youth ministry do not minister to the entire spectrum of persons referred to as youth: children, teenagers, young adults. While it is necessary to expose all learners to the nature and demands of ministry to all three main age group categories of young people, it is also necessary to allow learners to focus on one of these age groups. This course will require learners to pay general attention to ministry to all three age groups, and then to give specific attention to one of the age groups

BYS 425 - Youth Ministry in Social Context

One of the greatest challenges faced by young people (children, teenagers and young adults) is that presented by the realities of the social environment in which they live. The social context of young people cannot be ignored in the search for effective youth ministry, and this course requires the learner to select one aspect of social context and to reflect on youth ministry in the chosen context.


In a world where God's people increasingly are longing:

To experience the warmth of true biblical community; to worship Father, Son and Spirit in a way that proclaims the uniqueness of Christ, and brings deep healing individually and corporately. It is also inevitable that people long to taste the power of Christ to radically transform our lives and our societies; to walk and live in the power of the Spirit. To proclaim the truth of our faith with the boldness and effectiveness of the first apostles; to rediscover how to mentor and shepherd converts in a way that leads them into their unique expression of Christlikeness. Hence, based on the firm foundation of biblical studies, church history and theology, STEM offers the following Pastoral Studies courses to equip learners for ministry.

BPS 115 - Church Life

This first course in Pastoral Studies seeks to introduce the church in the context of the demands of local church ministry. This study is based on a brief introduction to a Biblical understanding of the church, with an emphasis on the church’s identity as a dynamic organism. Attention is then given to the research of Natural Church Development in terms of the quality characteristics of healthy churches, and the biotic principles of church life. The course concludes with a brief consideration of the church and the future.

BPS 125 - Gospel Communication (Homiletics)

This is an introduction to preaching the Bible. The course specialises in Expository Preaching providing both the theory and the practical exercises in the sculpting of a sermon.

BPS 215 - Spiritual Development

The course seeks to draw from the rich tradition of the Christian church through the ages, as well as more recent psychological insights, whilst maintaining a fundamental commitment to evangelical, Biblical values. The student should leave the course with a fuller understanding of what is necessary for the rich nurturing of his or her own spiritual life and some of the pitfalls which need to be avoided on the way, particularly for those in leadership. Regular use is made of individual and group exercises such as journaling, reflection and silence, drawing and the exercise of the gifts of the Spirit. The student will need to be open to self-examination and vulnerability before God and fellow students for this course to be of maximum value.

BPS 315 - Spiritual Direction/Counselling

This course utilises insights from Narrative Counselling and will seek to equip the students to listen to their own stories and the stories of others in ways that allow for fresh new perspectives on the past and new ways of interpreting the present, that give hope and direction. Learning to hear God's voice and learning to discern God's unique vision and purpose for one's own life and the lives of others are an important part of this course. The place of repentance, forgiveness, and facing one's own despair also play an essential part in equipping one to be an able shepherd of others. Attention will be given to individual topics such as Suicide, Depression, and Post Traumatic Stress.

BPS 325 - Christian Worship

This course is an attempt to uncover the Biblical theology of worship. While it may be a contentious issue -- depending on one’s tradition or preferences -- Scripture does provide powerful guidelines which need attention and application. God's revelation in Scripture is the only foundation, source and instruction adequate for leading His people in worship; it tells us how He wants to be worshipped and that is our essential guide.

BPS 415 - Spiritual Care

This course is designed to develop a Biblical understanding of the caring function of the congregation and how this function is expressed practically through the lives of the pastor and members. An emphasis on total congregational care is given, where every member is considered to be a caregiver and essential to the spiritual and psychological health of the church.

BPS 425 - Church Ministry

This course focuses in detail on aspects of ministry relating to the day-to-day running of a church. The course will feature areas such as finances, church discipline, leadership and administration.

Most courses at STEM can be taken as individual subjects, allowing students to pursue a particular area of interest. For these particular studies, a certificate of studies will be issued on request.


Certificate in Ministry 1 years 2 years

Certificate in Theology 1 years 2 years

Diploma in Theology 3 years 5 years

Bachelor in Ministry/Theology 3 years 6 years


Although many people have found the study of Systematic Theology to be fascinating it is not intended to be an end in itself, but rather a means to the greater glory of God as you relate to Him in a deeper and more responsible way. STEM believes that, working from the foundation of a living faith in the living God, students will come to a deeper understanding of God's revelation of Himself to us, which will lead in turn to an increasingly deeper faith.

In our understanding is that, theology should never be divorced from devotion. It is observed that "if you are a true theologian, you truly pray; if you truly pray, you are a true theologian." So, it is our prayer that such an ideal may be accomplished in the lives of students as they study theology. Certainly, there can be no loftier or higher object of our contemplation than God himself! The ultimate aim of the course is thus not passing the examination, but bowing before the Lord our Maker in praise and worship.

The Systematic Theology Curriculum

The six courses which are offered in Systematic Theology are designed to provide students with a broad grasp of the doctrinal content of the Christian faith, and to help them see how this doctrinal content should impact on contemporary belief and practice. The overall structure of the Systematic Theology curriculum is as follows:

BST 125 - Christian Doctrine

An Introduction to the Study of Systematic Theology: its nature, method, task, sources, language and relation to other disciplines.

BST 225 - Revelation and God

Revelation: the nature of revelation; general and special revelation; the inspiration, preservation and authority of the Scriptures.

Doctrine of God: the reality, names and attributes of God; the Trinity; creation; the providence of God; theodicy (the problem of evil); the doctrine of God as the foundation of ethics; angels, the special agents of God.

BST 315 - Humanity, Sin and Christ

Humanity: the origin and nature of humanity; the "image of God" in human beings; the origin and nature of sin.

The Person and Work of Christ: the Deity and Humanity of Christ; the virgin birth; Christ as Saviour; theories of the atonement; justification, sanctification, glorification.

BST 325 - Salvation, the Holy Spirit and the Church

Salvation: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit; the nature of the life in Christ; faith, conversion, discipleship; the corporate life of the Christian; the church, its ministry and its ordinances; the ethics of human relationships.

BST 415 - Eschatology and theological models:

The primary part of this course covers the traditional themes associated with eschatology. There is a strong research component and exposure to the book of Revelation. Several ‘models’ of theology are explored.

BST 425 - Christian Theological Ethics

Behaviour as a distinctive Christian nature is nurtured in this course. The outcome of what we believe theologically is anticipated in the way we behave. Several relevant issues to the African and in particular Mozambican context are researched.


BMR 425 - Ministry Research

During a learner’s course of studies at the STEM, there may be an area or areas of ministry interest which have either not been covered or that have been dealt with in a relatively introductory manner. This course offers the learner the opportunity to choose a particular area of research to which they would like to give further attention. In consultation with an allocated lecturer, the learner will be required to complete set research as determined and defined.

BSR 415 - Specialised Research

During a learner’s course of studies at the STEM, there may be an area or areas of theological and/or ministry interest which have either not been covered or that have been dealt with in a relatively introductory manner. This course offers to the learner the opportunity to choose a particular area of research to which they would like to give further attention. In consultation with an allocated lecturer, the learner will be required to complete set research as determined and defined.

BSR 425 - Specialised Research

Some denominations/churches in Mozambique are unable to support their ministers due to the economic instability. Consequently, it delays the work of mission in the country and leads people to the unwillingness to get involved in Great Commission. So, attempting to prevent or minimise this catastrophic situation, the STEM will begin offering the following technical courses to the pastors so that they can gain skills to begin small business for their sustainability while serving the Lord.

To help rural pastors after their theological training to get job or even to be able start small business for their own sustainability, STEM hope to introduce technical modules as shown below:

 Theology and Rural Development

 Project Management

 Leadership

 Administration and Management

 Business and Management

 Accountancy

 Computing


 Environmental Studies

 Christian Philosophy

Our academic & non-academic staff

1. Rev Martinho Paulo – STEM Principal, MTh (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

2. Rev Dr Guilherme Nhanale - lecture, Dr (Omega Global University, South Africa)

3. Rev Dr A J Chitlango - lecture, PhD (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

4. Dr Justino Alfredo – lecturer, PhD (University of Stellenbosch, South Africa)

5. Dr Edoward Nsiko Kitoko – lecture, PhD (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

6. Mrs Eva A Paulo – lecturer, MTh (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

7. Rev André Elias Malombe - lecture, MTh (Brazil)

8. Rev Olusegun Makinde – lecturer, Msc, MDiv (Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary)

9. Rev M Dambo – lecturer, BTh (United Seminary of Ricatla, Mozambique)

10. Rev Matthias Homffeier – lecturer, BTh (German)

11. Mr Bento Avelino Mutilima – lecturer, BTh (Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa, RSA)

12. Rev J Macário – lecturer, DpTh (STEM, Mozambique)

13. Mr Pedro Nhaqueleque – lecturer, DpTh (STEM, Mozambique)

14. Mr Castigo Cântido – Administrator, (DpTh (STEM, Mozambique)

15. Mrs Christiane Makinde – Accountant HND Banking & Finance (Federal Polytechnic, of Nigeria)

16. Mrs Marta Texeira – librarian , DpTh (STEM, Mozambique)

17. Ms Celina Macome – secretary Grade 12

18. Mrs Cecilia Muapilote – social catering, DpTh (STEM, Mozambique)

Note: Almost all the lecturers are people who are willing to render their services on part time basis just for an appreciation. This is understandable because base on the academic qualification of this faculty, the seminary is incapable of adequately reward them financially, either on full or part time basis. So what the seminary gives is only an appreciation.

Population of students

Due to the shortage of residential facilities, our operational system consists of a class in a period of three years. This means that admission is done only ones in every three years. For now, we have 20 students in their third year. Of these 4 are singles, 2 widows, 4 couples and 6 married-single students. Together with children the total population on campus is 58.


 Land

 2 residential block for couples and singles students

 2 rooms library block

 2 classrooms including chapel

 Administrative

 Cuisine/refectory

 Small guest house

STEM challenges

 To meet pastoral deficit

 To respond to the need for highly trained church leaders for ministry

 To respond to the moral decadence

 To train leaders who can actively get involved in community and national building

 To minimise animism through evangelism

STEM problems

 Insufficient infrastructures

 Shortage of books and periodicals, including separate library block

 Inadequate chapel

 Academic and administrative building

 Insufficient residence for students and staff

 Lack of financial base to support the seminary programmes, sponsor the students and reward the lecturers adequately

Our statement of belief

 We believe in the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments in their original writing as fully inspired by God and accept them as the supreme and final authority for faith, doctrine and life.

 We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

 We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man.

 We believe that God created man in His own image; that man sinned and thereby incurred the penalty of death, physical and spiritual; that all human beings inherit a sinful nature which issues (in the case of those who reach moral responsibility) in actual transgression involving personal guilt.

 We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, a substitutionary sacrifice, according to the Scriptures, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood.

 We believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus, His Ascension into heaven, and His present life as our High Priest and Advocate.

 We believe in the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

 We believe that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

 We believe in the resurrection both of the just and the unjust, the eternal blessedness of the redeemed and the eternal banishment of those who have rejected the offer of salvation.

 We believe that the one true Church is the whole company of those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and regenerated by the Holy Spirit; that the local Church on earth should take its character from this conception of the Church spiritual, and therefore that the new birth and personal confession of Christ are essentials of Church membership.

 We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ appointed two ordinances ‘Baptism’ and the ‘Lord’s Supper’ to be observed as acts of obedience and as perpetual witnesses to the cardinal facts of the Christian faith; that Baptism is immersion of the believer in water as a confession of and identification with Christ in burial and resurrection, and that the Lord’s Supper is the partaking of bread and wine as symbolic of the Saviour’s broken body and shed blood, in remembrance of His sacrificial death.

STEM Rules and Regulations

1. All learners must pay their fees in full for the semester before they write semester exams. All fees (and rent) must be paid in full before registration for a subsequent semester..

2. All programme requirements must be met satisfactorily before a given qualification may be conferred. The minimum pass mark for STEM subjects is 50%.

3. Each full-time learner is admitted on a year to year basis. Re-admission is dependent on the learner’s academic performance, general conduct and overall performance.

4. No learner is permitted to use or copy another person’s work, either partially or in whole, without appropriate recognition and referencing. In cases where learners are found guilty of plagiarism, disciplinary action will be taken.

5. All learners are subject to the prevailing copyright laws.

6. In all matters of discipline and general conduct and performance, each learner shall be under the authority of the Principal. The Principal has the authority to suspend any learner until such time as the STEM Council shall have decided on the matter in question. The decision of the STEM Council shall be final in all matters relating to the admission or retention of learners.

7. In cases where learners need complaints or issues to be addressed, the following procedures are to be followed:

a) Administrative matters - where issues of an administrative nature require assistance or redress, the administrative employee dealing with that particular issue is to be approached first. If resolution of the matter is not satisfactory, it should be referred to the Registrar.

b) Academic matters - where issues of an academic nature require assistance or redress, the faculty member responsible for the particular course in question is to be approached first. If resolution of the matter is not satisfactory, it should be referred to the Principal.

c) Other student matters - any issues or complaints not of an academic or administrative nature are to be referred to the Student Representative Committee for resolution. In the event that any of the above matters are not satisfactorily resolved, appeal may be made to the Chairman of the STEM Council. The final authority on resolution of all learner-related complaints or issues will be the STEM Council.

Registration and Accreditation

STEM is preparing to get registered with the Department of Education (DOE) as a provider of private higher education. STEM would appreciate to see its programmes accredited by the Council on Higher Education (CHE) through its permanent sub-committee, the Higher Education. Department of education registration and council of higher education accreditation would ensure that STEM’s programmes are of a high standard both nationally and internationally, and merely serves to confirm STEM’s continued commitment to academic excellence.


STEM owns and maintains flats located within the Seminary campus in Laulane, Rua Mario Coluna, Bairro 3 de Fevereiro em Maputo. The residences comprises in one-bedrooms for two singles and two-bedroom flats available for family but full-time students. Applications must be made to the STEM Administrative Department, and the offer of accommodation will be decided in coordination with the STEM principal. The priority will be to those who pay their matriculation and tuition fees before and on an availability basis.

Library Resources

The Seminary library is a valuable resource centre, available to all learners. However, we need to amplifier or upgrade so that it can offer a decent environment for study. The current library is open throughout the year, with a librarian on duty in the mornings during term time. The stock comprises various types of material, i.e. books, journals, etc. The library needs computers for students to use when typing assignments and internet access for research. This is because we are using manual system which causes a lot of troubles. For example, all students may borrow up to six books at a time and in addition there is a large reference section, including encyclopaedias, dictionaries, commentaries and other standard works. However, we need more material and space to accommodate academic work.

Study Methods

STEM offers full-time residential studies. Full-time Studies: The College has a dynamic body of students who attend classes at our campus in Laulane, Maputo. While the sacrifices are great, the benefits of a dedicated period of study in preparation for a lifetime of ministry are easy to see. Full-time learners are required to attend all classes as this forms part of each course’s due performance. Permission from the Principal is required in order to miss lectures. Learners who do not attend the full quota of class lectures will be required to repeat the course. The Seminary’s semesters run parallel to the Mozambican school terms and lectures are from 08:00 to 13h30 Monday to Fridays.


Each student must do the requested assignment, exams, testes and class presentation on given date and time. In the office there is a box where all students must submit their assignments during seminary working hours. Any assignments received after the seminary has closed for the day, will be deemed to have been received the following day, and will lose marks accordingly. Unless exams written in the class, all work must be typed, and on the cover page assignment must show date, assignment title, student and lecturer’s names, and student matriculation number if it is applicable.

Admission Policies

In keeping with its mission statement, namely, to offer people called to Christian ministry, a biblically based, relevant theological education, STEM will attempt to provide a quality education to all those called to study. It is the policy of the seminary to provide equality of opportunity for all applicants, regardless of race, gender or creed. The seminary applies the principles of Outcomes Based Education (OBE) system applied in many theological institutions to develop learner potential to its maximum levels. OBE, with its design to teach learners specific knowledge or principles which can be demonstrated in measurable outcomes greatly assists learners to fulfil the objectives of the programmes for which they have been enrolled and to achieve the standard required.

The Seminary has made enormous strides in the last decade in practical competency. Students can only graduate if they have significant practical ministry experience. As well as being required to be involved in a local church while at seminary, student assignments also require different aspects of practical experience. Input from church and ministry leaders regarding learner performance in specific ministry assists in measuring OBE objectives. We believe that God has equipped us to develop and train men and women who have a desire to be better equipped for ministry. We welcome any believer who wishes to be prepared for any ministry in the church and community. Our particular focus areas are training people for long-term, effective ministry as pastors of local churches, youth pastors and workers and cross-cultural missionaries.

Pre-entry Guidance

Persons wishing to study at STEM can obtain a prospectus and if desired, may request a preliminary (personal) interview with the registrar, who may appoint a member of staff to assist the enquirer to obtain additional information regarding admission and associated requirements for entry into programmes of study.

The Selection Process

Upon enquiry applicants are directed to the seminary contact addresses for more information. If however, an applicant does not have access to the electronic media, all the information is posted or may be collected from the seminary’s office. Applicants are informed that only when all the necessary forms have been received by the college, and where applicable the accompanying fees paid in full or partial, will applications be processed.

Selection Requirements and Criteria

The mission of STEM is to offer people called to Christian ministry, a biblically based, relevant theological education… Every person, regardless of race, gender, creed, religion or educational background will be eligible for selection, provided they:

1. Are truthful on the application forms, and should they be granted an interview undertake to assist the interview committee to arrive at a fair evaluation,

2. Each applicant has read and accepts the seminary’s statement of belief, as outlined in the STEM prospectus,

3. Willing to adhere to the Seminary rules & goals,

4. Respect fellow students, especially those from parts of the African continent and other denominations. STEM encourages all its students to welcome non-Mozambican citizens, non-Union Baptist church members and to see them as those called to Christian ministry, seeking a biblically based, relevant quality theological education which meets clearly defined quality standards.

5. Have paid the required registration fees, and are in possession of all the necessary documentation, inter alia registration documentation duly completed, accompanied by all supporting certificates, recommendations etc.

6. Display a willingness to abide by the recommendations of the interview committee.

7. Demonstrate the commitment to meet the demands of study.

8. Are able to sustain themselves financially.

Application Procedure & deadline

Deadlines: Applications for Mozambicans fulltime students close on 31st October every year, while late applications may be considered until 15th January every year. Applications for foreign learners wanting to study full-time must be submitted by the end of October so that interviews may be conducted in November. No student will be permitted to commence fulltime studies in July, for the second semester, unless they have already completed at least four of the required courses from the related first semester of studies. Full-time applications: The following must be submitted for full-time study application:

1. A completed application form - available from the seminary;

2. Three completed referee forms (recommendations from your local church)- available from the seminary;

3. A completed Student Declaration form - available from the seminary;

4. A completed Personal Details form - available from the seminary;

5. A certified copy of your Identity Document or Passport;

6. A certified copy of your senior certificate from your school;

7. Foreign students must have a valid Mozambican study visa if applicable.

Full-time applicants will be required to attend an interview conducted by the

Interviewing Committee appointed by the seminary Council.

Full-time application fees are U$D20.00 while a late registration fee of U$D30, 00 applies after November and, kindly note that these matriculation fees are not refundable. Note: in case there will be foreign full-time applicants, they will be required to pay 50% of the total annual tuition fee BEFORE registration will be permitted.

Application process for students with incomplete grade 12 Certificate OR students who do not possess a grade 12 Certificate, they must complete grade 10.

For applicant older than 45 years and that do not possess a grade 10 -12 Certificate, can apply for registration on the basis of life experience. This means the person gain automatic registration consent. It is needed to complete the above mentioned forms and submit the necessary information.

STEM Prayer request

The STEM would be grateful to enlist your support in any of the following areas:

Prayer - the prayer needs for STEM and our students are numerous. In future we hope that will create website page where we can place all the latest requests from the College.

Finance – Through small contributions from local churches and individuals’ contributions, STEM subsidises student tuition fees, and as a result, we rely on financial donations from the community to cover our operating expenses. Should you wish to make a donation to the College, please see our details below.

Food and Clothing – As many come to STEM with their children, the responsibility is huge. Thus, the College assists many of our needy students with both clothing and regular food parcels. In addition, we frequently require household furniture and items. Should you wish to make any donations, please contact us on telefax: +258 21442909 or e-mail:,

Student Accommodation – The STEM owns two blocks of flats which are rented free of charge since the local churches are unable to support their students significantly. However, the flats are in constant need of maintenance and furnishing, and the small contribution made by local churches does not cover these costs. The flats are essential for many of the STEM students.

Sponsor a Lecturer – The STEM is privileged to have a vast number of excellent lecturers, full-time, associate and part-time. If you would like to sponsor one of these lecturers please mark clearly on your method of support. This should be done through the STEM as the cost of a lecturer is borne by the STEM too.

Therefore, whoever willing to make a donation in one of above items mentioned please you can assist us through to the above STEM’s physical and email addresses:

Message from the Principal

Dears in the Lord,

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God always for his love, protection and care to me and my family. It is my privilege indeed to be called by God and serve him in this theological and biblical training institution of the Union Baptist Church of Mozambique.

In this 21st century, STEM commits itself to continuing to train men and women who will be called and dedicated Christian leaders for the Church in Mission, by providing quality education that is evangelical, holistic, and contextual.

With all the uncertainties and fears which the future holds, the church has the challenging and discouraging task of making it one of hope positive expectation for the Mozambican countrywide. As theological educators for the Church, it is crucial that we update our curriculum and consolidate our links with other institutions of higher learning.

As an evangelical institution, our teaching will continue to be grounded in the Word of God, as we remain in harmony with the Lord of the Church and seek his continued guidance in our service for Him. STEM will make an effort to train the whole person: head, heart and hands. We will seek to cultivate a good awareness of the problems facing our country and the Church, seeking the strategies of Jesus to meet them.

As we unite our efforts to accomplish God’s will, let us ask him to make our education task to be veritably “secured within the scope of the local context, modelled after the person and ministry of Jesus Christ”. Let’s us together work as ambassadors of God on the earth by empowering men and women through quality education as a way of assuring them hope, peace of our Lord and freedom from any kind of oppression.

Glory be to God, Rev Martinho Lazaro Paulo: Principal

Thank you for your support to our ministry.